Empower your team with e-learning solutions.
Empower your team, students, or members with flexible, Ofqual-accredited e-learning. Customisable, scalable, and built for impact—unlock growth with Novabright today!
training you can't be wthout
It's more than compliance.
Save on cost:
No costly in house trainers
Save on time: any course, from anywhere.
Happy customers: upskill your team to boost productivity & profit
Why Novabright?
From pay-as-you-go courses to fully managed academies, we offer adaptable training to fit your needs.
Trusted, Ofqual-Accredited Learning Provider
As a leading Ofqual-accredited provider, we ensure top-tier, regulatory-compliant training for your workforce.
Expert-Led & CPD-Accredited
Designed by education advisors and industry experts, our CPD-accredited courses support professional growth.
Dual Accreditation for Unmatched Quality
Our courses are accredited by two awarding bodies, guaranteeing recognised, high-standard education.
Flexible, Scalable Training Solutions
We are authorised to assess and certify qualifications, providing a fully outsourced training solution.
Contact details
Get in touch
Hours of operation
Monday - Friday 9.00 - 18.00
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